Tuesday, July 8, 2008

God Hates Homosexuals (But was it her fault Maria turned her into a Lesbian?)

GOD Hates Homosexuals – And a Prayer of Deliverance for Keda
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

By Moses David

Dad: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! (Strong Heavy Tongues and Weeping) Oh that ye would come out, I command you to come out! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! O that ye would be straight!

Maria: Keda are you really desperate? Are you here in the spirit with us? Should we lay hands on her?

Fam: And Jesus said when ye call on my name the demons of sodomy will flee from ye!

Dad: Amen. My god to think we would have a lesbian in our own home. Sodomy just makes me sick folks; it literally makes me sick to my stomach. God hates sodomy and sodomites, he destroyed all of em’ folks and He’ll do it again one of these days. Keda are you ready to repent of your sins? Are you really repentant in your heart?

Maria: She doesn’t look very repentant. It’s almost like I can see the demons of homosexuality through the very rebellious spirit she is manifesting.

Dad: Oh my! Oh me oh my! Oh my Lord! Oh my goodness! Oh boy! Oh boy oh boy! If we can’t cast these out of her there is just no hope left. (Growl, ROAR) KEDA ARE YOU READY TO REPENT??

Keda: Yes Dad!

Maria: She doesn’t look very repentant to me!

Dad: Well she better be! I’ll spank her just like I did Mene if that’s what it takes, if that’s the only she’ll be repentant. Keda I better see you crying out to the Lord, or I’ll take you over my knee right now. I’ll spank the sodomy out of you if I have to! If that’s what it takes. God hates sodomites and homosexuals; he hates the whole lot of them. And he’s going to wipe them off the face of the earth one of these days! Hallelujah! Oh my me oh my! Would someone hand me a tissue? The Lord is speaking through me with such power that tears have come to my eyes!

Maria: I don’t see any tears of repentance from you Keda! Are you really here with us in the Spirit?

Fam: We forgot to anoint her with oil!

Dad: Keda this is the last resort! You have to want to change, we can’t allow you to live in this home, in My home, unless you change your ways. It reminds of the time a sick homosexual Jewish priest tried to molest me while I was in Haifa.

Fam: Didn’t that happen to Mama’s fish?

Dad: Well whatever! It happened! I may not always get my facts right but the message still comes through. And that Jewish priest straight out accosted our good Arab friend with his blatant homosexuality! Oh boy it makes me mad! I could almost puke! (Dad prays—strong weeping) Goddamn the homosexuals Lord! Wipe them out! Destroy them all! Wipe them off this planet Lord just like you did with the Israelites who disobeyed you. (Tongues) Hadihidhaiahahaha Boboboboboboibiiiibibio Sheshshahahdoauhahbebahe

Maria: Keda are you ready to repent now? Are you ready to have us pray for you now?

Fam: Get the oil quick!

Maria: Everyone lay hands one her!

Maria Prays for Keda: Thank you Lord! Thank you sweet love for your oil of deliverance! Dear Jesus Keda has been held down by these female demons for so long! I command you to cast them out of her! Rid her of them! Lord Jesus your word is very clear on this subject! There is no room in your kingdom for sinners who blatantly disregard your truth! Lord sodomy is just flagrant disobedience to your Word, to the truth! Rid her of these evil demons that possess her! Like Dad said you are going to wipe these homosexuals off this planet very soon! So I beg you Lord to cure her! We love Keda so much Lord! We want her in this home, we want her to be able to serve you to her utmost! But she can’t do that Jesus as long as she is possessed with these demons! Please Jesus rid her of them! Do it Lord! Do it now! Hallelujah, hallejuah! Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus. Thank you precious Jesus!

Fam: Amen! Praise you Lord!

Maria: Are you cured now? Have they left you? Do you now feel free now Keda?

Keda: Umm….yes thank you Lord for the power of prayer!

Fam: The Power of Prayer! Prayer works! PTL!

Dad: We love you honey! We have to come on strong! Because there just is no room for the sin of homosexuality!

Fam: Prayer and laying on of hands!

Dad: Amen! Folks God hates homosexuality, amen? Are you harbouring same-sex tendencies folks? Ask the Lord to cure you! God hates homosexuality, he hates flagrant disobedience more than anything else. Sodomy is a sin in the eyes of God. Get prayer, and get delivered! Hallelujah! I love you!

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