Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Flow of a Prince - Prayer Against the Demon of Urine

The Flow of a Prince
Prayer Against The Demon of Urine

Dad: Hallelujah! Son come sit here in the chair!

Maria: Where’s Sara? Is she present? She’s David’s caretaker and lover she should be here.

Sara: I’m here Mama.

Dad: Son do you know why you’re here? To you know what the Enemy has been trying to do to you?

Dito: Yes sir!

Dad: To think my own son would have a problem with bedwetting makes me wonder. Oh my goodness! Bedwetting is not just something that happens folks; it’s a direct attack on the Enemy of our children. Bedwetting is an attack of the Devil.

Maria: Does that mean that the Devil causes children to wet they’re beds?

Dad: Yes exactly! You know what I think caused it?

Sara: Dito started wetting his bed a lot after he met those children from the other unit. They wet their beds to get attention, and I think he was jealous.

Dad: These children have been emanating a very bad vibe trying to get Dito in on their Devilish tricks, it almost makes me sick. To think some of our very own children would do something like that. Playing their sick disgusting mind games with Dito, my goodness gracious! Boy oh boy it makes me fighting mad! When I saw that boy from the other home last week at a staff meeting, he had almost an evil twinkle in his eyes, like he knew exactly what kind of psychological damage he was causing Dito. Oh boy I think I’m going to be sick.

Maria: Oh sorry honey is it something you ate?

Dad: (GROWL) NO! I’M JUST SICK AT THESE GAMES THE DEVIL HAS BEEN PLAYING!! When I was I child I just about never had bedwetting problem. When your children start having problems like that you know there’s something not right in the spirit. The same when kids are sick, you can know right away that it’s because of a sin.

Maria: The sin of their parents?

Dad: Either! My god those kids in the next home, trying to get Dito to misbehave and tempt the Lord. Sara have you been looking into it? Have you been concerned enough for our Prince to really get desperate with the Lord?

Sara: Not really Dad! I thought it was natural for children to have bedwetting problems!

Dad: Oh my! Oh my, me oh my! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness gracious! Oh my Lord! Wake up to the spiritual warfare Sara!

Maria: To think we would trust Sara with taking care of Dito when she doesn’t even realize what’s going on in the spirit here!

Fam: Very sobering!

Dad: (Strong weeping in strange tongues) Oh Lord cure Davidito! Release him of these demons! Oh that ye would stop the flow. Oh that ye would destroy those that have tried to destroy him through this horrible psychological and spiritual attack! Dito is so young, and so weak! He is your Prince Lord. Deliver him of these adversaries!

Fam: Amen!

Dad: (Wipes “tears”) Oh my! I just had a vision!

Maria: A vision?

Dad: I saw hovered over Davidito a very evil looking creature.

Maria: Was it Bacchus?

Dad: No! It seemed the Lord was showing me the very demon that has been plaguing Davidito, and causing him to wet his bed.

Maria: The demon of urine?

Dad: Yes! He attacks our children!

Maria: Children in the Family?

Dad: Yes!

Maria: Is he a principality or a power?

Dad: He seems to be one of the demons that is very low in rank. He has no underlings! He is the demon Urineathon!

Maria: Urineathon?

Dad: Yes!

Maria: The demon of urine?

Fam: Does he only attack children in the Family?

Dad: Yes! Our children our very sensitive to the spirit, and he is sent to attack them spiritually while they are still young, and try to render them useless for the Lord.

Maria: Oh my! Has he left Davidito now?

Dad: Yes! If I hadn’t prayed for Davidito He would still have power over him. But now that I’ve prayed he has fled.

Fam: Cast out these demons in My name!

Dad: Amen! Dito you have been delivered!

Sara: Hallelujah!

Dad: Amen! Glory to God!

Maria: Thank you Jesus for delivering Dito!

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